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Shop hundreds of great items
and images at The Lucky Tortoise!

We have hundreds of original graphics constructed from our own turtles and tortoises. The graphics are available on t-shirts, golf shirts, other clothing, coffee mugs, cell phone cases, car plates, and so much more. Great care is given to detail. Some graphics feature turtles and tortoises as they are and others are digitally anthropomorphized - made somewhat human in facial expression or body posture.

We've been keeping turtles for nearly 30 years and promote responsible pet care and conservation. Custom graphics are possible.



Sporting Turtles

Drinking Turtles

Turtles at the Beach

Holiday Turtles

I Brake For

Western Turtles

Daring Turtles

Misc. Turtles

Turtle Innuendos &


The Lucky Tortoise © 2015